Microsoft Word For Mac Smartart Organization


The piece I can't yet resolve is how to edit the height of the connector lines. The default in smart art format is for the lines that connect the top level to the next level down to be very short, so the second level is almost hugged up against the top level. Create a SmartArt graphic to quickly and easily make a visual representation of your information. You can choose from among many different layouts, to effectively communicate your message or ideas. SmartArt graphics can be created in Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word, and they can be used throughout Office. Sep 03, 2013  Using SmartArt for Simple Flowcharts in PowerPoint for Mac Learn how to use the SmartArt graphic option to quickly create simple flowcharts in Microsoft Office, including PowerPoint for Mac. You can start with some simple text content, and quickly convert this text into a flowchart. The easiest way to create an org chart in Microsoft Word is to use the SmartArt tool. In Word 2010, 2013, and 2016 for Windows and Word 2016 for Mac, as well as the Office 365 version, you can find the SmartArt feature by clicking on the Insert tab and clicking the Illustrations group. In Word for Mac 2011, SmartArt is a tab.

In Office 2011 for Mac, SmartArt is a component that allows you to represent your data or ideas visually. If you select a SmartArt graphic, you can use the Edit SmartArt group of the SmartArt tab of the Ribbon for three things:

  • Shape: You select one or more boxes or shapes within a SmartArt object and then click the Shape button. A menu appears with several galleries that contain many different shapes. Click the shape you want to the selected boxes to have.

  • Right to Left: Some SmartArt objects are asymmetrical. Click this button to change the arrangement of the shapes so that things grouped on the right are pushed to the left. Click a second time to put them back. Clicking this button with an Organization Chart selected, for example, flips all your listings horizontally.

  • Org: This option is available only if you have selected a shape within your Organization Chart.

Applying graphic styles to SmartArt in Office 2011 for Mac

When you’ve selected a SmartArt object, the SmartArt Graphic Styles gallery is activated on the SmartArt tab of the Ribbon. The gallery provides previews of styles that you can apply to your SmartArt as well as color variations.

SmartArt can take its color from your document’s theme. Before using the color control of the styles grouping, change your theme:

  • If you’re using Word or Excel, visit the Home tab of the Ribbon and click the Themes button. Then make selections from the resultant Themes gallery.

  • If you’re using PowerPoint, visit the Themes tab of the Ribbon and select a new theme from the Themes gallery. You can also access the Theme Options group and just change your Theme Colors from the Colors button, which brings up a gallery of the same name.

After choosing a theme, return to the SmartArt tab of the Ribbon and access the SmartArt Graphic Styles group to explore these options:

Microsoft Word For Mac Smartart Organization 2017

  • Colors: This button opens the Colors gallery.

  • Styles gallery:Microsoft office free trial for mac 2011. Click the arrows at each end of the gallery to scroll, or click near the center at the bottom of the gallery to expose the drop-down gallery. Click to apply a style.

Resetting SmartArt in Office 2011 for Mac

The Reset group on the SmartArt tab has two functions:

  • Reset Graphic: Click to remove the style you applied and restore the default look to the SmartArt graphic.

  • Convert: In Excel and PowerPoint, you have two options.

    • Convert to Shapes:Converts your SmartArt object to shape objects.

    • Convert to Text:Converts your SmartArt object into a bulleted text box.

To convert bulleted text in PowerPoint to a SmartArt graphic, first select all the text, then right-click it and choose the Convert to SmartArt option in the resultant pop-up menu. This will activate the SmartArt tab of the Ribbon.

Charts take data, organize them, and present them in a visual form. Office 2011 for Mac offers two different approaches for making organization charts: The newer SmartArt method can produce visually appealing charts, and the application called Microsoft Organization Chart creates embedded charts.

Microsoft word 2011 free trial for mac. For example, open Word, and then on the Word menu, click About Word. To install this update. In the dialog box, compare the version number next to Latest Installed Update. .

When you click the SmartArt tab on the Ribbon, the leftmost group is Insert SmartArt Graphic. Here you find several buttons that represent various types of SmartArt graphics. The SmartArt Hierarchy group has three different organization charts from which to choose:

Microsoft Word For Mac Smartart Organization Pdf

  • Organization Chart

  • Name and Title Organization Chart

  • Half Circle Organization Chart

These are the first three options available in the Hierarchy gallery. You can use all the features of SmartArt with these organization charts. But when you select an object in a SmartArt organization chart, notice that the Org option becomes available in the Edit SmartArt group.

Microsoft Office Free Smartart

To use these features, first select the position at the top of the organization chart’s hierarchy and then select one of the following from the Org menu:

How To Use Smartart In Word

  • Horizontal: Arranges the chart in horizontal style.

  • Vertical: Arranges the chart in a vertical style.

  • Left hanging: Arranges position boxes to the left of the centerline.

  • Right hanging: Arranges position boxes to the right of the centerline.

  • Add Assistant: To add an assistant to a position, first, select a position within the SmartArt organization chart’s hierarchy. Then, choose Add Assistant from the Org menu in the Edit SmartArt grouping.